beatitude N. - blessedness; state of bliss.
Growing closer to God each day, the mystic achieved a state of
indescribable beatitude.

bedizen V. - dress with vulgar finery. The witch doctors were bedizened in all their gaudiest costumes.

bedraggle V.- wet thoroughly; stain with mud. 
We were so bedraggled by the severe storm that we had to change into dry clothing.

befuddle V.- confuse thoroughly. 
His attempts to clarify the situation succeeded only in befuddling her further.

beget V. - father; produce; give rise to.
One good turn may deserve another; it does not necessarily beget another.

begrudge V.- resent; show anger at supposed injustice
 I begrudge every minute I have to spend attending meetings; they're a complete waste of time.

*beguile V- mislead or delude; pass time; aamuse; cheat; charm in order to decieve
With flattery and big talk of easy money, the con men beguiled Kyle into betting his allowance on the shell game. Broke, he beguiled himself during the long hours by playing solitaire.
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behemoth N.- huge creature; monstrous animal. 
Sportscasters nicknamed the linebacker "The Behemoth."
linebacker-noun AMERICAN FOOTBALL a defensive player positioned just behind the line of scrimmage.

beholden ADJ - obligated; indebted
Since I do not wish to be beholden to anyone, I cannot accept this favor.

behoove V - be suited to; be incumbent upon;  ,necessary for (someone) as a duty or responsibility; it is a duty or responsibility for someone to do something.;
In this time of crisis, it behooves all of us to remain calm and await the instructions of our superiors.
it behooves them to make a rally for peace.

